12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

4. Michael Chabon's Fantastic Four

I Am Legend Make Up Test
Marvel Comics

Believe it or not, it’s another appearance for the celebrated highbrow literary fiction author Michael Chabon on this list—apparently a Pulitzer was all you needed to become the hottest property amongst comic book adaptations circa 2003.

In this instance, Chabon was hired to create a Fantastic Four film which would eventually go on to become the 2005 iteration of the franchise, but his ideas were even more out there than Chronicle creator Josh Trank’s infamous 2015 version of the material.

Chabon’s take was set around the time of JFK’s assassination and saw Doom travel to the past in order to assassinate a world leader (presumably not JFK himself) and install himself as a dictatorial ruler.

So about a million miles from the eventual Chris Evans/ Jessica Alba movie we got, then.

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