12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

7. Arnie's I Am Legend

I Am Legend Make Up Test
Warner Bros.

This one is particularly infamous for swapping out its daring original ending in favour of one which conformed to audience expectations at the cost of character and story. But the troubled production of 2007’s action horror Will Smith vehicle reveals that the film was in trouble long before the pivotal twist was removed in favour of an explosion.

In its initial form, I Am Legend would have starred Arnie (or possibly Mel Gibson, at one point) and been directed by Alien helmer/ sci fi horror hero Ridley Scott. However, Scott’s vision proved too expensive, and the studio worried about attaching a big budget to a film described as “a sombre mix of sci fi and psychological horror” with a dialogue-free opening hour.

Hence we got the sanitized Smith version, complete with a corny self-sacrifice ending and unconvincing monsters, which fumbled the story’s central theme by reducing its villains to a brainless horde rather than the thinking, feeling, fearing infected of the original novel.

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