12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

6. Chris Columbus' Planet Of The Apes (And Adam Rifkin's, And Peter Jackson's, Etc)

I Am Legend Make Up Test

Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes is probably still the divisive director’s most maligned work, and it’s easy to see why. Straying both from his comfort zone of funny-scary subverted American gothic and the original film’s clever but simple story, Burton overloaded the flick with byzantine twists and unnecessary exposition. However, it’s easy to see how when you cast a glance over just how many iterations of the film were proposed.

There was Home Alone director Chris Columbus’ family-friendly version which stuck to the original source novel, Adam Rifkin’s Spartacus-style story of a human rebel going against the Ape society, and even Peter Jackson’s version, with the Lord of the Rings helmer trying his hand at a story of, we’re not joking, an Ape Da Vinci who sheltered a human-ape hybrid from the simian takeover.

Poor Marky Mark’s performance isn’t looking so laughable now…

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