12 Amazing Premises Wasted On Underwhelming Horror Films

2. Truth Or Dare

Brightburn Elizabeth Banks

Premise: Some luckless teens are caught up in a deadly game of Truth or Dare.

A deadly game of Truth or Dare is a very good idea for a horror film, so it's a shame it appeared in one of the worst horror films of the latter 2010s.

Similarly to Countdown, the writers fatally undermined the film by having supernatural villains instead of human ones. Ghosts playing Truth or Dare immediately felt very silly and if this had been a death game movie like Saw with human villains, it could've been so much better.

It's also a completely awful film in every possible way. The writing, directing, PG-13 death scenes and woeful jump scares are all bottom-of-the-barrel awful and it has one of the most annoying sequel-bait endings in recent memory. Meanwhile, the film's unintentionally hilarious ghosts could be some of the worst villains ever committed to film.

It is a completely dire one-star movie... and, unfortunately, a sequel's in development.

This was directed by Jeff 'Kick-Ass 2' Wadlow, who really needs to be kicked out of Hollywood already. After all, this wasn't the last time he would waste a great idea...


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.