12 Amazing Premises Wasted On Underwhelming Horror Films

1. Fantasy Island

Brightburn Elizabeth Banks
Sony Pictures Releasing

Premise: Some guests on an island where people's greatest wishes come true soon find these dreams turning into nightmares.

Thanks to the excellent premise, Fantasy Island looked very interesting. And it was, to some extent, since it's unsusual for any movie to be as bad as this, so this is a rare breed of horror film.

The directing is awful, scares are non-existent, the plot twists are horrendous, the screenplay is stupid, manipulative, disjointed and infuriating... truly, this is something else.

This could've been something really surreal and psychologically unnerving but it shoots itself in the foot at every turn. For example, one of the trailer's best scenes presented the scenario of a character wishing for revenge on a school bully only to be presented with the former bully in a torture chamber, which isn't what she wanted.

This could've been a great set-piece but thanks to the abysmal writing and inexplicable PG-13 rating (which prevents it from ever being violent or disturbing), in the final film this scene goes absolutely nowhere. Fantasy Island is basically one scene of wasted potential after another... for two bloody hours!

Basically, it's the epitome of a horror film wasting a great premise.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.