12 Annoying Fanboy Complaints That Drive Everyone Insane

3. "I Already Hate The Movie After One Image/Teaser Trailer/Rumour"

The Complaint: "That leaked set photo taken from an awkward angle with no retouching looks absolutely horrible, so I'm going to write the entire movie off before I'm even able to see it, because the only impression is a first impression." Why It's Annoying: Again, like a lot of the complaints on here, it's just not very accepting or open-minded. As soon as those set pictures from Suicide Squad showed up with The Joker's tattoos seemingly in tact, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) looking distinctly different from her popular style, and the pair riding around in a pink sports car, fans went into a huge uproar. It's important to remember that a sneaky set picture is only partly indicative of what the final movie will look like: plenty thought that Bane's ridiculous jacket in The Dark Knight Rises would look dumb in the final product, and that he was too short to play the character, but in the end, he turned out to totally nail it, and nobody cared. It seems like, in a lot of cases, fans take a certain pleasure in pre-hating films without any huge sense of justification. Sure, the new Terminator movie is getting pummeled because almost every aspect of its official marketing raises red flags, but this isn't the case with most movies. Just give them a chance!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.