12 Awesome Movies You Can Only Watch Once

11. Any Steve McQueen Film

Why It's Awesome: Director Steve McQueen's three films to date, Hunger, Shame and the Best Picture-winning 12 Years A Slave, have all been singular, provocative and superbly acted efforts. Hunger depicted Bobby Sands' (Michael Fassbender) hunger strike with a clinical yet devastating accuracy, Shame was a sensory feast, a gorgeous yet simultaneously ugly dive into sex addiction, and 12 Years A Slave has, of course, pretty much cemented itself in film history as the definitive film about slavery. Why You Can Only Watch It Once: To call these films tough to swallow is an understatement. McQueen's directorial approach has often been labelled as cold and "detached", as he often takes an objective, observant approach, simply letting the scenario tease the facts out themselves, and while his deliberate approach is enough for some to never watch these films again, it's generally the harrowing subject matter that makes them at once so compelling and something we're happy never to see again. In particular, Shame, with its frank sexual content, is likely to leave many inherently uncomfortable, and 12 Years' brutal savagery is unflinching in a way that so few films are. Once it's been experienced, why put yourself through it again?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.