12 Awesome Movies You Can Only Watch Once

10. Amour

Why It's Awesome: Michael Haneke's Oscar-winning drama (which also earned distinguished nods for Best Picture and Best Director) is a deeply moving examination of love in the later stages of life, as Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) finds himself caring for his stroke-addled wife Anne (Emmanuelle Riva). With two knockout lead performances and a deeply affecting narrative, this is a top-notch drama that rightly blew the critics away. Why You Can Only Watch It Once: It's a Michael Haneke film, so you should know you're going to be put through the emotional wringer more than a little bit. Amour, with its brutally honest depiction of Anne's deterioration, will likely hit too close to home for many audiences, and even if you've not experience a loved one fade away in a similar fashion, Haneke's insistence not to shy away from nature's withering process is a tough sit to say the least. Moreover, Haneke to his credit refuses to deign to sentimentality, with his familiar approach remaining slightly at a distance yet still not denying viewers the opportunity to connect emotionally with this beautifully tragic story. Still, you'll feel like crap when it's finished, and probably want to hug whoever's nearest to you. You'd need to be a real masochist to suffer through this more than once.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.