12 Awesome Movies You Can Only Watch Once

6. Holy Motors

Why It's Awesome: Leos Carax's surreal fantasy drama is like no film you have ever seen before. Holy Motors follows Monsieur Oscar (Denis Lavant), a man who spends his day riding around Paris in a limousine, assuming various identities and personas, often as a service for others, but sometimes for no apparent reason at all. His activities involve pretending to be an old, female beggar, having motion-capture sex, kidnapping Eva Mendes, and other increasingly weird scenarios simply too delicious to spoil. Though viewers will have to debate the meaning for themselves as Carax explains virtually nothing (many interpret it as a commentary on the nature of filmmaking itself), even on its own terms as a series of quasi-skits, Holy Motors is hilariously entertaining and brilliantly bonkers. Why You Can Only Watch It Once: For most, the sheer strangeness of the affair will be enough for them to say, "One and done." It's a totally unique experience while you're watching it, though once you know what's coming, some of the luster is lost and it likely won't be anywhere near as gratifying the second time around. Still, at least it's not as patently messed up as a lot of the other movies on this list, so there's that...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.