12 Awesome Movies You Can Only Watch Once

7. The Hunt

Why It's Awesome: Thomas Vinterberg's searing account of the dangerous power of the mob mentality follows local kindergarten worker Lucas (Mads Mikkelsen) as he is accused by a pupil of having exposed himself to her. It's not long before pretty much the entire town turns on both him and his son, with logic flying out the window and the "think of the children!" mindset dominating. Mikkelsen gives an Oscar-worthy central performance as a man forever tarnished by the words of a child, and if you're not left shaking with rage by the time this film ends, you likely weren't paying enough attention. Why You Can Only Watch It Once: For starters, the film will likely leave you too p****ed off to consider watching it again, because every time you think of the movie, this blood-boiling anger will return and you'll curse yourself for ever watching it in the first place. Though not as viscerally disturbing as some of the other films on this list, the thematic horror is far more palpable, of how seemingly intelligent people can be turned to hysteria when it comes to murmurs of pedophilia.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.