12 Awesome Supporting Actors Who Need Their Own Movies

2. William Fichtner

Drive Angry William Fichtner

William Fichtner is often semi-jokingly referred to as Hollywood's definitive "that guy" - that is, an actor whose face you'll instantly recognise, despite the fact you can't possibly recall his name.

But that implies a far more workmanlike standard of acting on Fichtner's part than is the case, and over 25 years of consistent work in the biz, he's become an increasingly valuable character actor suited for a wide variety of roles.

Fichtner is undeniably best known for his memorable turns in Heat, Contact, Armageddon, Go, The Dark Knight, Drive Angry and the TV series Prison Break. In each case, he's elevated what's on the page through his manic energy, and his ability to vacillate between moods and tones at a moment's notice.

And yet, high-profile movie roles have been in fairly short supply for the actor lately, and he feels a million miles away from a major lead part despite having all the talent and charisma in the world to do so. Shameful.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.