12 Awesome Supporting Actors Who Need Their Own Movies

9. Mark Strong

Kingsman The Golden Circle Mark Strong

Mark Strong has proven himself to be an ultra-reliable and versatile supporting player over the last decade, having played villains in the likes of Sherlock Holmes, Kick-Ass, Robin Hood, Green Lantern, John Carter, and soon enough, Shazam!

But he's also been able to flex his benevolent, comedic muscles in more recent years, proving ultra-likeable in the Kingsman films, and also being perfectly cast as the straight-man to Sacha Baron Cohen in the barmy The Brothers Grimsby.

He's got a great, distinctive look, he can play good guys and bad guys and he's got a killer knack for accents - what more could you want?

And yet, Strong seems perennially relegated to baddie/sidekick status, as though he's somehow incapable of getting butts in seats. It makes no sense.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.