12 Awful 2015 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

Never go a**-to-mouth... especially on Halloween.

2015 has been a pretty great year for movies as a whole so far, though if you're looking for entertaining horror, you're largely going to have to look beyond the multiplex, because the VOD arena is where the genre's really been shining lately, with a few theatrical exceptions of course. Horror films are the easiest genre for movie studios to make money on, but they're also arguably the hardest to truly impress people with beyond the basic treatment. So much has been done that it's hard to find an original angle, and the genre often treats the likes of narrative logic and acting as secondary, unnecessary indulgences. This year has seen wildly unnecessary sequels (because of course), long-delayed projects finally hitting cinemas, and long-dead franchises being impossibly resurrected...while bringing nothing new to the table. Whether you're staying in for a horror movie marathon on Halloween or just watching a movie to get you in the mood before heading out in costume, here are 12 awful 2015 horror movies you must avoid...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.