12 Awful Movie Make-Up Fails That Were Horribly Distracting
Channing Tatum + Lots Of Eyeliner = Kenneth Branagh Elf
Good movie make-up can get you an Oscar, if you're lucky. It's not one of those really memorable Oscars, but it beats not winning an Oscar any day of the week. Given the high prizes on offer for aptitude, it's only right that the people who make bad mistakes and fudged their one job should be hauled over the coals. They are the faceless folk behind the biggest and most comedic failures in movie make-up: the creators of grotesque faces that completely pulled us out of perfectly enjoyable movie experiences. Because, frankly, that's all these Frankenstein's monster-like make-up abominations managed to achieve. Naturally, Mickey Rooney's yellowface make-up was an awful decision, and is impossible to take seriously, but then that's sort of the point, since there's a distasteful comic note behind the characterisation that is pretty much just flat out racism in retrospect. So no place on this list for him. But who did make the cut?