12 Awful Movie Make-Up Fails That Were Horribly Distracting

11. Bruce Gordon Levitt-Willis - Joe (Looper)

The Desired Effect: An unholy alliance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis' smushed up faces. The Actual Effect: An unholy alliance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis' smushed up faces. You can see the value of using prosthetics and make-up to make a young actor look like the older actor playing the same character from the future, but when it results in the horrible face meld that Joseph Gordon-Levitt had to act through in Rhian Johnson's Looper, it's little more than an unhelpful distraction. It looks like JGL has had to go through the same bewildering process that Liberace made his lover Scott go through in Behind The Candelabra (and indeed real life,) so he could feel like he was having sex with himself.
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