12 Batman Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

2. Doomsday Stalls Time

Batman Selena Kyle Mistake
Warner Bros.

There are very few limits to Superman’s powers, as some comic aficionados have complained and celebrated over the years, but even he struggles to stop the earth’s rotation mid-fight (yes, we know his canon capabilities, but note we said mid-fight).

However in 2016’s match up for the ages, Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, it seems that he must accidentally manage this feat—at least, that’s the only sensible explanation for this particular screw up.

When Supes’ fight or flight sense kicks in, he declines to decide between the two options available and splits the difference instead, taking Doomsday out above the earth’s atmosphere in order to let them duke it out without civilian casualties.

However, after the lengthy fight finishes and the villain is sent plunging back to earth, Doomsday manages to land between Gotham and Metropolis—despite the fact that the earth’s continuing rotation would have left him landing far from the same spot he set off from.


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