12 Batman Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

6. A Dark Day For The Stock Exchange

Batman Selena Kyle Mistake
Warner Bros.

Forget the Weather Underground—it’s easier to see how Bane managed to amass such an impressively sizeable following when you see that he is somehow able to change the day’s forecast through his anti-Wall Street antics, as evidenced in the stick up in the Gotham stock exchange at the midpoint of Nolan’s trilogy closer.

During what is a pretty pivotal, not to mention action-packed scene—i.e a time when viewers are wont to notice the details—Bane enters the stock exchange on a sunny, clear skied afternoon.

We then discover that Gotham’s rapid response unit aren’t too fast, since it’s raining heavily with the roads soaked and full of puddles by the time they arrive. Cut to Bane leaving seconds later—riding off a dry road into the sunny afternoon. Magic!


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.