12 Batman Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

7. "Ms. Klye"'s 1st Appearance

Batman Selena Kyle Mistake
Warner Bros.

A second appearance for Anne Hathaway’s portrayal of the infamous cat burglar Selina Kyle, although at least this time the mess up in question has got nothing to do with the character herself or her time onscreen. No, this time it’s Batman who comes across a screw up whilst researching the enigmatic thief.

Sequestered in the gloomy environs of the Batcave, Bruce Googles (or non-trademarked alternative search engines) his new crush furiously, and when he dips into his database of information on Gotham’s citizens he begins to read up on “Selina Klye”.

We’re not sure who that is, but between this and newspaper headlines, maybe it’s understandable that Bruce has had such a hard time keeping track of Gotham’s underworld.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.