12 Batman Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

4. Alfred Is Too Helpful For His Own Good

Batman Selena Kyle Mistake
Warner Bros.

Val Kilmer’s lone appearance as Batman may have been the subject of some so-so reviews but the eventual arrival of Batman and Robin a few years later served as proof that no actor is charismatic enough to make the rubber-suited role work despite naff material.

On reconsideration, the film’s campy tone has its moments, mostly courtesy of Jim Carrey’s Riddler, but it also contains a screw up so perfectly in character that we wish it were an intentional addition.

Faithful, unflappable butler Alfred is accosted by Two-Face and the Riddler when they arrive at Wayne Manor, with the nefarious pair immediately knocking him unconscious.

Ever the helping hand, Alfred doesn’t let the fact that he’s passed out stop him from surreptitiously shoving aside a tray so that the duo can push him inside a closet. Class act.


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