12 Best Black Comedy Movies Of All Time

1. Harold And Maude (1971)

Heathers Christian Slater
Paramount Pictures

Harold And Maude was hated by critics upon its release, mostly because it centered around a 79-year-old woman, a 20-year-old man, and a relationship that teased more than just a friendship. For many, it was gross, disgusting, uncalled for and pointless. For the intelligent ones, it was pure joy. Plus, it is highly doubtful that the age thing would have ever received a second glance if it had been a 79-year-old man and a 20-year old woman.

Annoyingly, it wasn't just the age thing that ruffled a few feathers. The movie also dealt with staged suicides and holocaust stories, two taboos that the 70s just wasn't ready for. The theme of death is apparent throughout, a theme that is still regarded as controversial in movies today.

Thankfully, as time went on, Harold And Maude finally began to see the praise that it deserved. It is now considered to be a cult classic, a movie that showcases a warm and loving relationship between two people within a world that just couldn't handle it. In fact, this movie is just as relevant today as it ever was.

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Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.