12 Best Black Comedy Movies Of All Time

2. Withnail And I (1987)

Heathers Christian Slater
Handmade Films

Withnail And I has the pleasure of being that one movie that everybody claims to have seen but actually hasn't. It is regarded as cool, hip, a university student's right of passage, heck it has even inspired a drinking game so dangerous that the end could easily result in death or at least a heavy hangover.

The movie stars Richard E Grant and Paul McGann as two debauched alcoholics intent on drowning their sorrows with booze, pills and in one scene, lighter fluid. It might sound like one big bender but at the heart of the movie is a story about the hard comings of humanity and how easily one can take a detour onto the road to depression. It is both exaggerated but also relatable, most of us have been in that position where you would do whatever it takes to forget about the cruel rules of life and the fact that you can't get a job.

So if you do get a chance to see it, make sure you do so you can stop pretending and start being truthful about the fact that you have seen one of the greatest black comedies to have ever existed.

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