12 Best Fan Theories About 2015's Biggest Films

9. Minions Is Actually A Criticism Of Big Businesses

The Theory: Minions are said to work for the most evil villains on Earth, and considering that they make a gigantic corporation billions of dollars per year, Redditor hangtight97 suggested that this must be their most terrific work of villainy. Why It's Awesome: Because it makes these silly characters aimed at children to be something more than just colourful, gibberish-shouting mascots made to sell toys, but the work of filmmakers stealthily critiquing the very system they're working within. How Likely Is It?: 2/10. It's highly unlikely that the minds behind Minions would dare bite the hand that has fed them so well, not to mention the hypocrisy involved with slamming the very thing that's made them rich. However, another poster smartly commented that Universal are owned by the universally-despised Comcast, pretty much the most evil company on the planet, so the theory checks out on its own terms.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.