12 Best Fan Theories About 2015's Biggest Films

8. Tom Hardy Is Really The Feral Kid From Mad Max 2 - Mad Max: Fury Road

The Theory:Nerdist explained in considerable depth the fast-spreading idea that Tom Hardy's Max is not the same person as Mel Gibson's, but rather another individual who has been given the moniker or assumed it. That character? The Feral Kid (Emil Minty) from Mad Max 2. The evidence? Hardy's Max has a music box that looks very similar to the one Gibson's Max gave the Kid in Mad Max 2, Hardy is haunted by a young girl (possibly his daughter) when Gibson had a dead son, both Hardy and the Kid grunt a lot and don't talk much, Why It's Awesome: It reboots the Max character in an interesting way and helps tie the four movies together in a fairly plausible manner. How Likely Is It?: 2/10. Miller clearly isn't particularly fussed about continuity, and so it's unlikely he'd feel the pressure to explain the discrepancies between Hardy and Gibson's versions of the character. After all, Max is something of a folk figure whose stories are passed around the wasteland, so it's not like everything needs to slot together perfectly. Plus, admitting that Hardy isn't the real Max is a risky financial prospect that could turn off fans of the original movies.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.