12 Best Fan Theories About 2015's Biggest Films

7. Bond's Brain Damage Explains The Bizarre Third Act - Spectre

The Theory: Were you left irritated and confused by Spectre's messy third act? You evidently weren't the only one, as Redditor IsaiasRi proposes that Blofeld's (Christoph Waltz) drilling into Bond's (Daniel Craig) skull made him lose the ability to recognise faces, hence why he recklessly fired at the literally faceless enemies outside Blofeld's compound, and why the pictures from his past papered around MI6 had little effect on his state of mind: he didn't recognise them. In addition, it's possible that Bond doesn't love Madeleine Swann (Lea Seydoux) as he seems to so suddenly, but is simply keeping up the pretense to maintain a grasp on reality. In addition, the name Swann was noted by many critics to likely be a reference to Marcel Proust's novel Remembrance of Things Past, which features sensory perception creating an unreliable narrator as one of its major themes. Also, Bond may have only kept Blofeld alive because he wasn't actually sure who he was on the bridge, and retired suddenly at the end because he was no use as an agent with this condition. And finally, the Day of the Dead pre-titles sequence has a strong metaphorical quality, considering that everyone there is wearing a mask. Why It's Awesome: It's an extremely well thought-out theory which brings added meaning to the absurd, out-of-character moments that take place in the movie's final 30-40 minutes, and makes re-watching the movie a lot more entertaining. How Likely Is It?: 1/10. It's a cool idea albeit one that's too cool for the conventional thrills of a Bond flick. Not that it matters: the filmmakers never need to acknowledge it, but depending upon how the next film opens, it doesn't necessarily have to smash this theory to pieces either.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.