12 Best Female Movie Characters Of 2016

8. Harley Quinn – Suicide Squad

Arrival Amy Adams
Warner Bros. Pictures

Much like Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn was the saving grace of her own critically panned comic book movie. That’s not to say she wasn’t averse to controversy: even before the film was released, Harley had critics voicing their concern that she embodied the ‘hot crazy chick’ trope and that her dysfunctional, abusive relationship with The Joker was worrying at best. But if the amount of Cosplay and Halloween costumes mimicking the baseball bat-swinging, hot pants-wearing supervillain we saw this year is anything to go by, Harley’s popularity is undeniable.

Played with psychotic aplomb by Australian actress Margot Robbie in her biggest role to date, Harley is a bag of contradictions – funny, cute and clever but also tough, deranged and dangerous – and she gets to utter some of the best lines in the movie. As luck would have it, we’ll be seeing much more of Harley Quinn in the near future too as she’ll be getting her own spinoff movie in the next few years.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.