12 Best Female Movie Characters Of 2016

5. Dr Louise Banks – Arrival

Arrival Amy Adams
Paramount Pictures

She might be the sole female character of its main cast, but there’s no doubt that Dr Louise Banks is the star of Denis Villeneuve’s acclaimed sci-fi drama Arrival. A world-class linguist, she’s the woman called upon by the US Army to figure out how to communicate with extra-terrestrial beings when several mysterious spacecraft touch down across the planet, eventually gaining the aliens’ trust and becoming privy to their knowledge about the meaning of life.

She’s a fleshed out, multifaceted character that is both fiercely intelligent, determined and strong yet also emotional and maternal and who earns the respect of her male peers with falling prey to the stereotypical masculine female character tropes so often seen in sci-fi movies. Amy Adams turns in a terrific performance as Louise, her second blistering performance this year alongside Nocturnal Animals, and is hotly tipped as a contender for the Best Actress Oscar at next year’s Academy Awards.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.