12 Best Female Movie Characters Of 2016

4. Amanda Waller – Suicide Squad

Arrival Amy Adams
Warner Bros.

It’s quite amusing that in a film featuring a baseball bat wielding lunatic, the world’s deadliest marksman and a grill-toothed, green-haired psychopath Suicide Squad’s most truly menacing character is government intelligence agent Amanda Waller. As the woman behind the formation of the squad, the person partly responsible for the attack on Midway City and the eventual jailer of the squad, she’s both the movie’s puppet master and true villain.

Self-serving, manipulative and unapologetically ruthless, Waller is an anti-hero fully prepared to employ shady tactics for the better good of humanity and quite probably Suicide Squad’s most complex and intriguing character. Though considering that Waller was brought to the life on the big screen by Academy Award winning actress Viola Davis, who took inspiration from the book Confessions of a Sociopath while preparing for her role, it’s not too surprising that she’s such an interesting and fleshed out character.


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