12 Best Films Of 2012

3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Peter Jackson you sly bastard, you've gone and done it again! The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is potentially the grandest film of 2012, both visually and plot wise. Many had reservations about Jackson€™s €˜additions€™ to the source material, but after 30 minutes of watching part one of his new three part saga, it is easy to see that Thorin and company and in very safe hands indeed. A clumsy and uneasy first 10 minutes soon give way to a vision like we have not seen since€.well, LOTR: Return of the King. The cast, both new and returning, feel so suited to their characters that it is almost impossible to see them as anything but. The childlike innocence familiar from Tolkien€™s classic novel is very much present throughout, with some genuinely hysterical moments (burglar bogey). However, don€™t let that fool you into thinking Jackson has gone soft. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is also potentially his most disturbing and violent middle Earth outing to date.

2. The Dark Knight Rises

dark-knight-rises-movie-review-07182012-015922 So that€™s it then. Christopher Nolan€™s expansive Gotham chronicle had reached its final chapter. Goodbye Batman. Much has been said about The Dark Knight Rises, both positive and pissy. But it is hard to see it ending any other way. The Dark Knight Rises, contrary to popular belief, is a very fitting tumultuous brilliance that puts a bold full stop to Nolan€™s treatment of Bruce Wayne. With Dickens€™ A Tale of Two Cities as Nolan€™s muse, and a completely genius reinvention of not one but two lauded Bat-villains, it is near impossible to label The Dark Knight Rises as anything but inspired. Following in the footsteps of its own highly respected predecessor The Dark Knight, and then the unprecedented success of Avengers Assemble a few months before, it is little wonder that The Dark Knight Rises had a lot to fight against. But fight it did, and what remains is a film that carries the weight of not just expectation, but also historical significance. People will be watching Nolan€™s Gotham trilogy for decades to come. And each film will be celebrated in its own right. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the new Indiana Jones trilogy.

1. Silver Linings Playbook

The last thing anyone would expect from David O. Russell is a romantic drama. After all, this is the man who gave us the brash Three Kings and the frenzied I Heart Huckabees. But then again, much like the characters in his films, O. Russell has always been far from predictable. Yes, Silver Linings Playbook is a romantic drama, but it is also a damn fine one at that, which pushes away the conventions of its genre. Bradley Cooper turns out the best performance of his career, and Jennifer Lawrence proves that she is going from strength to strength. It is also worth noting that De Niro gives his best routine since goodness knows when €“ probably his best in about 15 years. Silver Linings Playbook is a chaotic master class that has all the heart of The Fighter but maintains an almost naïve view of the world. It truly is a feel good movie, which manages to surprise at every turn. Come February 2013, there is no doubt Silver Linings Playbook will be a hot contender for the Oscars.
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Part critic-part film maker, I have been living and breathing film ever since seeing 'Superman' at the tender age of five. Never one to mince my words, I believe in the honest and emotional reaction to film, rather than being arty or self important just for cred. Despite this, you will always hear me say the same thing - "its all opinion, so watch it and make your own." Follow me @iamBradWilliams