12 Best Performances In 2017 Films (So Far)

6. Garance Marillier – Raw

Split James McAvoy The Beast
Wild Bunch

After reducing audience members to quivering, vomiting messes at its Toronto International Film Festival premiere and since being hailed as the goriest, most visceral movie in recent horror history, French director Julia Ducournau’s debut feature film Raw will no doubt emerge as one of 2017’s best horrors.

A fresh if stomach-churning take on female body horror that explores sexuality, identity, conformity and (of course) cannibalism, the movie focuses on veterinary school student Justine as she morphs from virginal vegetarian to predator after a ritual hazing at her college involving munching on raw rabbit liver awakens an insatiable hunger for flesh she never had before.

It’s Raw’s nineteen-year-old star Garance Marillier as Justine that makes the movie work so well and despite its gore (and there’s plenty of it) it’s her transformation from gawky, moralistic victim to animalistic, predatory villain that’s the most disturbing element of the film.


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