12 Biggest Comic Book Movie Reveals From CinemaCon 2017

5. Superman Revealed

Justice League Cinemacon Concept Art
Warner Bros.

Superman's involvement in Justice League is so far unconfirmed - in the same way that it's unconfirmed that Darkseid will appear. We know both will happen, it's just a matter of confirmation later down the line.

CinemaCon saw a confirmation of sorts - or at least the smallest flirtation with one - as some new concept art was shown for Justice League featuring the Man of Steel himself...

Justice League Superman Cinemacon Concept Art
Warner Bros.

Oddly, this wouldn't fit with rumours that Superman will have a new look, but this is clearly early artwork, given the differences in the designs of Cyborg and Aquaman in particular.

Still, it's a nice nod to Supes being back in the frame all the same.


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