12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

6. Short For A Stormtrooper

Luke Skywalker Star Wars Stormtrooper

The Lie

Perhaps because she's lashing out, Princess Leia accuses Luke (in disguise) of being "short for a Stormtrooper."

The Truth

There are two schools of thought here, depending on when you choose to accept that The Empire phased out Clone Troopers in favour of human recruits.

Firstly, the clone argument. At 5'9, Mark Hamill was never particularly tall, but the crucial information here is that he is taller than Temeura Morrison, the source for every clone trooper. If Leia is referring to clone troopers, she's mixed up, because if anything, Luke would be too tall.

And if you choose to accept that most Stormtroopers were human recruits, the idea that they were all tall is just silly. By the very fact that they aren't clones, there simply wouldn't be a universal profile, so it would be impossible to make such an accusation.

Also, if there was, how the hell would Luke's disguise even fit him? She's just lashing out.

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