12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

1. Greedo Shot First

Greedo Star Wars

You know you've made a mistake when one of your creative decisions ends up turning into a meme and a polticised movement to have your influence removed from your own franchise.

Such was the case with the most infamous retcon in movie history - not just Star Wars movie history. In the original Star Wars, when Han Solo is confronted by bounty hunter Greedo the encounter ended with Han shooting his would-be captor and confirming his roguish cool.

But then George Lucas got cold feet and decided that it made Han look too much like a "cold-blooded killer," so he had Greedo shoot and miss and Han return fire. Cue a fan meltdown to end all fan meltdowns and the emergence of the Han Shot First movement and further tinkering by Lucas to make Han dodge the shot awkwardly. Because it's definitely possible to dodge a blaster bolt from three feet away.

Which other Star Wars retcons belong on this list? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.

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