12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

2. Luke Is The Only Hope

The Empire Strikes Back Luke Skywalker And Yoda

Again, this one comes down to something Obi-Wan Kenobi says turning out to not mean quite what it seemed. Or him just being turned into a big dirty liar thanks to George Lucas not being able to keep track of his own dialogue and story decisions.

In Episode V, Kenobi says that Luke was the last hope, suggesting he had no idea that the young Skywalker actually had a twin, which Yoda clearly did in his response that there "is another."

That makes Kenobi look fairly stupid given that he was actually present at the birth of Luke and Leia and Padme's death and actually helped organise Leia's adoption by the Organas. He's either ignorant or extremely forgetful.

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