12 Biggest Unanswered DC Movie Mysteries

8. Where's Chase Meridian? - Batman & Robin

Joker Scars Dark Knight
Warner Bros.

You'd think that Bruce Wayne would be particularly protective over his personal secrets, given that his superheroism relies on him successfully convincing everyone of his "secret identity". Without it, he's a beacon for his enemies and even with his resilience, he wouldn't last long.

So it's odd that he allows the ridiculously named Dr Chase Meridian to basically just wander off with his biggest secret at the end of Batman Forever and never be mentioned again. Even Vicki Vale got a mention in Batman Returns that confirmed she left Bruce because she couldn't take his double-life, but Meridian is notable only for her complete absence in Batman & Robin.

Where is she? What happened to her after Batman Forever? And why would Bruce Wayne be so happy to allow her to disappear knowing his defining secret?


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