12 Brilliant Movie Scenes When Actors Weren't Acting

4. The Ear Punch - Fight Club

Fight Club Hit Me

Fight Club is full of iconic moments, but it's one of the slightest that remains among the most memorable. When Tyler Durden and Ed Norton's narrator come upon the idea of the Fight Club first in the bar carpark, it is kicked off by a hilariously wayward punch that lands on Durden's ear, much to his annoyance.

Brad Pitt's pained reaction - and his infamous line "why the ear, man?!" - was completely natural, because he didn't know that's where he was about to be punched. In the run up to the scene being filmed, it was planned for Norton to punch him in the shoulder, only for David Fincher to change it at the last minute without telling Pitt.

No wonder he was so pissed.

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