12 Brilliant Movie Scenes When Actors Weren't Acting

5. Sarah Connor Fights Back - Terminator 2

Terminator 2 Orderly
TriStar Pictures

Working with James Cameron was a famously difficult process, given the director's notorious reputation for putting people through the ringer. At one end of the scale, he kept cameras running on The Abyss after Ed Harris had run out of oxygen and at the other, he had Arnold Schwarzenegger wear gaudy boxer shorts during the Terminator's entrance into the bar to deliberately make the extras look at his crotch bewildered.

In Terminator 2, though, it was someone else whose method of working provoked a very real reaction from a co-star.

During the hospital escape scene, Sarah Connor fights her way out just as Robert Patrick's terrifying new villain appears, beating up an orderly in the process who had licked her face horribly in an early scene.

If it looks like she beats him with a little too gusto, it's because she actually did. In an earlier scene, actor Ken Gibbel refused to hit Linda Hamilton properly with his nightstick, so the scene in which he was supposed to was reshot numerous times, leading to Hamilton injuring her knees from falling to the ground so much.

She took out the pain later by not holding back when it came to hitting him back. His pain, captured by the cameras, is very real.

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