12 Cancelled Sci-Fi Moves We Wish We Could Have Seen

11. William Gibson's Alien 3

Godzilla vs Batman
20th Century Fox

There are more iterations of Alien 3 than actual sequels to the film, with four different prominent screenwriters trying their hand at the material in the years following the release of James Cameron’s blockbuster sequel, 1986’s action-oriented Aliens. Each version has its own appeal, including a surreal sounding sojourn to a wooden planet inhabited by monks, but its cyberpunk legend and Neuromancer author William Gibson’s version that we wish were able to see on the big screen.

Gibson left Hicks and Bishop, rather than Ripley and Newt, to stop the Weyland Yutani Corporation’s attempts to experiment on the titular xenomorph, attempting to combine them with humans in order to create a biological hybrid super soldier. Whilst that idea is cool in isolation, the later development that sees the entire ship they’re inhabiting turn into a giant xenomorph could have been genuinely astounding.

After hearing about the insanity of Gibson’s unbridled creativity, the relative disappointment of the David Fincher-disowned bleak third instalment which we did receive is doubly brutal.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.