12 Characters Who Will Probably Die In 2019's Biggest Movies

2. Captain America (Chris Evans) - Avengers 4

Avengers Infinity War Captain America Thanos
Marvel Studios

While it's dead certain that the vast majority of the snap-induced "dustings" courtesy of Thanos (Josh Brolin) will be undone before the end of Avengers 4, the movie's actual, final body count is pretty tough to predict.

Thanos' death, for instance, almost feels so predictable that it probably won't happen, but to the same token, Captain America's (Chris Evans) had so many near-misses with the Grim Reaper that this inevitably emotional finale will surely see him finally get his ticket punched.

There are sure to be other casualties, though Cap's death feels the most likely, even more so than Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) given Tony Stark's desire to start a family (because denying that would be too much of a downer, surely?).

Cap and possibly others will make an epic sacrifice to stop Thanos, going down for the count while propping up a healthy roster of younger Avengers to lead the charge for the next decade-or-so. Bring tissues, because we're all gonna need 'em.

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Avengers 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.