12 Comic Book Movie Characters Who Deserved Better Deaths

9. Rachel Dawes (The Dark Knight)

Rachel Dawes died in 2008's The Dark Knight when the Joker gave Batman a choice. He could either save her or Harvey Dent, as both were tied up at opposite ends of Gotham City, in rooms rigged with explosives. Having given Batman clues as to where each individual was being held, Batman opted to save Rachel, but the Joker had tricked him. Rachel died whilst completely helpless in an explosion, on the other side of Gotham, when Batman arrived to find that it was Dent who he had been led to. It was sad and undeserved for a number of reasons. Dawes was a good human being and a morally decent district attorney, yet she would have died whilst utterly terrified. She was to find love with either Dent or Batman's alter-ego Bruce Wayne and she deserved to live a long and happy life, before dying naturally. Her death was made harder to take, given the fact that the much more bearable Maggie Gyllenhaal had taken over the role from Katie Holmes. It wouldn't have been so bad if we'd watched Holmes perish.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.