11 Comic-Con Announcements The Fanboys Would Love

1. Joss Whedon Is Directing Star Wars Episode IX

The Announcement: And finally, it's the big one, the news every foaming fanboy wants to hear, that Joss Whedon is going to direct 2019's Star Wars Episode IX, Why It'd Be Awesome: Whedon's name has been fervently associated with Star Wars ever since the hunt for Episode VII's director first began, and has persisted ever since with regard to the sequels set to follow. Rian Johnson is of course directing Episode VIII, but IX still has an empty spot. Whedon's proven himself beyond any and all skepticism with regard to the sci-fi genre, so he'd be a terrific fit for something like this. How Likely Is It?: 4/10. Whedon's schedule has freed up somewhat now that he's divorced himself from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though he has expressed a desire to create a universe for himself rather than work in other people's worlds. Even so, it'd be hard to ignore the call of The Force, and would certainly answer the prayers of many Star Wars fans. That said, as the film is still four years away, Disney may deem it too early to drop such an incredible bombshell, insanely awesome thought it would be. All you can do is keep your fingers crossed... What are you desperate to hear announced at SDCC 2015? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.