2. DC Officially Names Their Shared Cinematic Universe
The Announcement: Despite officially kicking off in 2013, DC's shared cinematic world still remains untitled, yet with a ton of films due to come down the pike over the next five years, it'd make sense to finally give the huge project a name, especially ahead of Batman V Superman. Why It'd Be Awesome: Because it'd prove in a small way to both fans and Marvel that Warner are fully invested in this, and have something that resembles a plan for what's to come. Plus, hopefully it's something a little more imaginative than "the DC Cinematic Universe". How Likely Is It?: 7/10. This is Warner's final Comic-Con before Batman V Superman is released, so it'd make sense to leave an impact and lay down the franchise's name. It's not the most crucial announcement in the world, but if it has a snazzy title and comes with some cool graphics, it'd get fans hugely hyped nevertheless.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.