12 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Indiana Jones Franchise
8. Casual Racism, As Far As The Eye Can See
The Indiana Jones franchise isn't really known for its sensitivity towards other cultures - in fact, pretty much everybody featured in these movies who aren't from theStates are rendered as stereotypes. You could certainly make a case for this as something done entirely on purpose, given the '30s setting - and thus "attitude" - of the Indiana Jones pictures, but this is 2014, and you probably aren't going to get away with doing that. So whilst Raiders of the Lost Ark casts a not too pretty shadow over the inhabits of places like Nepal and Egypt, rendering them as super cliches, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom makes "traditional Indian customs" look like a series of nightmares. And most of the customs glimpsed here aren't even big India, like eating chilled monkey brains, cockroaches, and dishes entitled "Snake Surprise." No wonder Spielberg had to shoot the film in Sri Lanka instead.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.