12 Creepiest Stories About Famous Movie Directors

8. Bryan Singer's L.A. Parties With Young Boys & Sexual Abuse Allegations

20th Century Fox

The Story: The acclaimed X-Men director has faced so many accusations and legal issues over the years that it's tough to take it all with a grain of salt. Claims have circulated for years that Singer's pool parties in Los Angeles allowed impressionable young men to hang out with the Hollywood elite... for a price. Though numerous sources confirm that Singer is careful about having his friends select men of legal age for him, he reportedly would buy alcohol for under-21s, and so the whole thing basically seems like a twisted spin on the typical "casting couch" phenomena.

Formal accusations against him include a 1997 lawsuit in which a 14-year-old alleged that Singer asked him to perform a shower scene in the nude during filming of Apt Pupil, and the infamous sexual assault case from 2014, in which Michael Egan claimed to have been drugged and raped by Singer. Both cases were ultimately thrown out without any charges for Singer.

Creep-O-Meter: 7/10

Though it's important to remember that Singer has never been legally charged with anything, it's tough to ignore the sheer number of reports about his activities. Sure, you might expect one or two people hoping to cash in on a vulnerable celebrity with lawsuits, but given how many independent reports talk about his predatory predilection towards young boys, it's hard for some of the mud not to stick a little bit.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.