12 Creepiest Stories About Famous Movie Directors

7. Jeepers Creepers Director Victor Salva Is A Convicted Sex Offender

The Story: Alright, so he's not as famous as most of the other directors on this list, but Victor Salva did direct the first two Jeepers Creepers movies, both of which turned a solid profit at the box office. However, his earlier career was coloured by controversy when, in 1988, Salva was charged with molesting 12-year-old Nathan Forrest Winters, the star of his eventual 1989 release Clownhouse. Salva served 15 months in prison after pleading guilty to one count of lewd and lascivious conduct, one count of oral sex with a person under 14, and three counts of procuring child pornography.

After taking a few years away from the industry, Salva somehow managed to get hired by Disney to direct Powder, resulting in mass controversy and protests regarding Salva's prior charges. The director then got his biggest gig to date, directing Jeepers Creepers, and the rest is history. He's not exactly lighting up the box office these days, though he is hoping to get Jeepers Creepers III moving sometime soon.

Creep-O-Meter: 9/10

Salva isn't a particularly well-known filmmaker so he tends to slip through the cracks a lot of the time, but child molestation is of course right at the top of creepy filmmaker actions. The only thing keeping him from a 10/10 is the fact that, in his defence, he appears to have paid his debt to society and kept his nose clean for the last 25 years. People will always be outraged by his actions (naturally), but at least the guy maintains a low-profile now and doesn't appear to be getting himself in any more trouble.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.