12 Cult Classic Sci-Fis You Stupidly Ignored First Time

9. Primer

Godzilla 1998
IFC Films

One of the most fascinating and equally mind-bending sci-fi concepts, time travel has captured the imagination of audiences for the best part of a century - the silent 1921 film A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court is recognised as the first time travel film.

When it comes to time travel films, though, it's the likes of Back To The Future, the Terminator franchise, and Looper that likely spring to mind first. One cult classic that you likely didn't think of, however, was Primer.

Written, directed, scored, and co-starring Shane Carruth, this ultra-low budget film follows two friends who accidentally invent a time machine. Discovering they can travel back in time 6 hours, the pair begin to exploit the machine for their own financial gain. However, things start to go wrong as the interweaving timelines become more complex.

Not holding back on any of the scientific jargon, Primer is one of the hardest films to wrap our heads around. Fans have literally mapped-out the plot to keep track of each timeline.

Its highly conceptual content may be why Primer has gone under the radar. But you don't need to time travel to check this one out for yourself.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.