12 Defining Moments From The Scream Franchise

2. Jill's Motivations Revealed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6VN8i1K6ZM The reveal of the killer and his motivations is a huge part of each of these movies, but after two sequels, how could Wes Craven offer anything remotely interesting with Scream 4? Somehow, Craven was able to pull it off and come up with something truly different. The killer is revealed to be Jill, Sidney€™s young cousin who was jealous of all the attention Sidney received after surviving the original murders. The scene is a clear commentary on the modern fame obsessed society fueled by social media. €œI don€™t need friends,€ Jill says. €œI need fans.€ She hopes to play into the media€™s obsession with the sole survivor story, making herself appear to be the brave young girl who was able to make it out alive. But her desire to completely recreate the events of the original Scream is also clever meta commentary on remakes and Hollywood's tendency to do the same thing again and again. Like the original Scream's ending, it works on multiple levels.
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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.