12 Delayed 2021 Movies That Really Weren't Worth The Wait

11. Venom: Let There Be Carnage

venom let there be carnage

This awesomely-titled superhero sequel was amiable and entertaining enough, but it was still a let-down. It really could've been so much more and the delay of around a year made it feel even more frustrating.

This sequel had the opportunity to build on its hit-or-miss predecessor, keeping the things that did work - most notably, Tom Hardy's phenomenal lead performance, the delightfully weird tone and the fun dynamic between Eddie Brock and Venom - while upgrading on the things that didn't, but sadly this sequel didn't really do that.

It's a little better than 2018's Venom, but most of that film's flaws are still present. It's another fairly soulless picture that wastes a plethora of great actors and really, really, really should've been R-rated - again!

It was also ridiculously rushed and felt like a two-hour movie that was, for some inexplicable reason, compressed into 90 minutes.

It might not be a terrible film, but it is a pretty mediocre one. Considering how much we all wanted an improvement, to wait all this time only to get something that's barely superior to the original and still made most of its mistakes, was undeniably jarring.

That mid-credits scene was insane though.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.