12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

2. Dagon

Kuso Movie
Lions Gate Entertainment

This adaptation of genre legend/ much-maligned political thinker H.P Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth gets almost everything wrong.

For one thing, Dagon is the title of another, unrelated story by the author. For another, the acting is often amateurish and the threadbare sets look less like a ghost town and more like a high school drama set borrowed by a production who couldn’t afford to shoot outside. Some of the CGI is 2001-era appropriate, but most is laughable even for the time.

So what’s it doing on this list?

Well, the small-town set horror story is still filled with unforgettably sick imagery from a man whose head is degloved to a man burnt alive only to discover after his ordeal that he’s cursed to live forever. So this one will live on in your subconscious long after its cornier aspects have faded from memory.

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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