12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

3. From Beyond

Kuso Movie
Empire Pictures

Adapted (very, very loosely, shout out to the helmer for adding some sex) from the work of legendary genre author/ perennial problematic fave H.P Lovecraft, this 1986 effort from recently deceased legendary horror director Stuart Gordon may not have the same sense of humour that earlier adaptations such as Re-animator utilise, but it more than makes up for this shortcoming with some of the most upsetting and unsettling onscreen imaginings of Lovecraft’s body-warping perversions of nature.

Babara Crampton makes for a typically effective scream queen and the cast are serviceable, but this one is ploddingly paced and often a little too self-serious for a film so gruesomely over-the-top. Nonetheless, the unforgettable scenes of twisted body horror won’t require more than one viewing to sear themselves into your brain—provided no one sucks it out through your empty eye socket, that is.

Sweet dreams, sci-fi fans.

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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