12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

7. Pi

Kuso Movie
Artisan Entertainment

A more cerebral but no less visceral addition to this list, Mother! Director Darren Aronofosky’s debut follows a paranoid number theorist who is attempting to uncover the algorithm behind all existence on earth, the elusive numeric key which would make sense of nature’s seemingly random and chaotic order.

If that sounds thoughtful or boring, we should clarify that the search drives our hero to madness, the flick echoing his schizophrenia with rapid edits and chaotic cutting which would unsettle even the most hardened viewer.

By the time this one winds to its gruesome climax there’s a good chance you’ll be put off searching for any truth, but one thing is for certain—you’ll be unlikely to queue up another run at this cinematic endurance test again any time soon.

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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